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Chaffin Luhana & Najee Harris

Chaffin Luhana
Najee Harris

Supporting Those In Need and Empowering Students
In The Greater Pittsburgh Area

Learn how Your Can Get Involved

Our Mission

Doing Good By
Doing Right

Doing Good by Doing Right is not just our motto, but the mission of Chaffin Luhana.  Through our Foundation, we have partnered with Pittsburgh’s newest running back, Najee Harris, and his Da’ Bigger Picture Foundation to further support families in need throughout Pittsburgh. 

Najee Harris Student of the Year Award

Chaffin Luhana has partnered with Najee Harris to award one high school student who exemplifies the Doing Good by Doing Rightâ„¢ values, including the achievement of excellence, making an impact in the school and/or community, displaying a team mindset, and demonstrating compassion toward others.

The winner of the award will receive a scholarship and a pep rally at their school, hosted by Najee Harris himself!

2022 Turkey Giveaway

Chaffin Luhana is excited to partner with Najee Harris again for this year's Turkey Giveaway. In 2021, we gave away over 600 turkeys to families in need throughout the Greater Pittsburgh area!

Dates, locations, registration, and information on how you can get involved coming soon...

Do Good By Getting Gear

We will be working together on a number of important community projects throughout the Greater Pittsburgh area. 

100% of the profits from our hoodie & t-shirts will be used to support these community projects. 

Gear is currently out of stock and will return shortly.

We Care About the people of pittburgh

Helping through hard times

The goals of Najee Harris’ Da’ Bigger Picture Foundation’s hope is to provide tools and assistance to families facing challenging times.

This aligns perfectly with the Chaffin Luhana Foundation which encourages the development of human potential and supports community empowerment through the endowment of funds to deserving recipients and the creation of community-based enrichment projects.

"We’re thrilled to be partnering with Najee. He is a tremendously talented athlete with a passion for the game and, importantly to us, for helping people - particularly in Pittsburgh. Our shared personal and professional values, and the dedication to our communities, makes for a great partnership."
-Eric Chaffin
Trustee, Chaffin Luhana Foundation

Humble Roots

We Understand Life's Struggles

At the age of 12 Najee spent time in homeless shelter as his family moved from place to place. He now dedicates his energy to helping others who might find themselves in the same situation.

“Just all the little kids out there going through the same stuff, I want to tell them that there are people in your same position and there is light at the end of the tunnel.”

-Najee Harris

Meet The Players

Eric Chaffin

Trustee, Chaffin Luhana Foundation

Najee Harris

Running Back, Pittsburgh Steelers
Trustee, Da' Bigger Picture Foundation

Roopal Luhana

Trustee, Chaffin Luhana Foundation

Chaffin Luhana Foundation + Najee Harris

Hard work and determination can overcome poverty

Humble Roots. Hard Work. Helping People.

With the goal of fostering acceptance, understanding, and an inclusive and healthy environment for everyone, the Foundation seeks to highlight individuals who are displaying outstanding characteristics in their lives. We aim to bring all walks of life together in ways that invite positive interaction, all the while rewarding those who are resilient, willing to face difficult challenges, and those who work to be a force of good in their community.

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(888) 480-1123
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