Home » The Many Types of Distracted Driving [Infographic]
The Many Types of Distracted Driving [Infographic]

(Text version below)
The 3 Types of Distraction
When you take your eyes off the road.Manual
When you take your hands off the wheel.Cognitive
When you take your mind off driving and staying safe.Cognitive can typically include visual and manual distraction
2015 Distracted Driving Crash Statistics
People Killed People InjuredSome of The Distractions We Face While Driving
Cell Phones Eating & Drinking Adjusting the GPS Talking w/ Passengers Grooming & Makeup Adjusting the Radio & Climate DrowsinessCell Phones & Distracted Driving
People were killed due to cell phone distraction Drivers 20-29 years old are 2-3 times more likely to be killed due to cell phone distraction than middle aged adults.Texting takes your eyes off the road for 4.6 seconds
At 55 MPH, that’s like driving an entire football field blindfolded.
Drivers vs. Passengers
People killed were drivers People killed were passengers People killed were non-occupantsDon’t Become Another Statistic!
Tips to Avoid Distracted Driving
Put your cell phone away
Only use your cell phone for an emergency situation when driving. If you need to use it, be sure to pull over first.Feeling sleepy? Pull over
Being tired behind the wheel can increase your risk of crashing by nearly 4 times. Don’t risk it. Pull off the road and take a nap.Eating can wait
Eating/drinking can take your eyes off the road, hands off the wheel, and shift your focus. Either eat before driving or hold off until you arrive at your destination.Stay focused
Our lives are busy, but don’t let your mind wander off. There will always be time to make that phone call, send that text, put together your shopping list, or fix your hair/makeup. It can wait.Limit passengers and activity within the car
Many states prohibit teens from having passengers in the cars early on, and for good reason. Passengers can easily distract you with a simple conversation. Hold off on chatting until you’ve finished driving.Always remember to buckle up, put your cell phone away, and be cautious of other drivers. Just because you’re not distracted behind the wheel, doesn’t mean other motorists are playing it safe as well.
Taking a defensive driving course can not only keep you safe, but most insurance companies will also give you a discount on your premium. Source: https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/812381
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